Xavier, C., Cadavez, V., Paula, V., Estevinho, L., & Gonzales-Barron, U. (2014). Meta-analysis of the incidence of food-borne pathogens in Portuguese meats and their products. Food Research International, 55, 311-323.
Gonzales-Barron, U., Cadavez, V., & Butler, F. (2014). Conducting inferential statistics for low microbial counts in foods using the Poisson-gamma regression. Food Control, 37, 385-394.
Gonzales-Barron, U., Cadavez, V., Sheridan, J. & Butler, F. (2013). Modelling the effect of chilling on the occurrence of Salmonella on pig carcasses at study, abattoir and batch levels by meta-analysis. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 163(2-3), 101-113.
Cadavez, V.A.P., & Henningsen, A. (2012). The use of seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) to predict the carcass composition of lambs. Meat Science, 92(4), 548-553.
Barros, L., Barreira, J., Grangeia, C., Batista, C., Cadavez, V.A.P., & Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2011). Beef burger patties incorporated with boletus edulis extracts: Lipid peroxidation inhibition effects. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 113, 737–743.
Cadavez, V., Silva, A., Malovrh, S., & Kovac, M. (2011). Estimation of genetic parameters for dairy ewes using random regression animal model. Lucrări Ştiinţifice: Seria Zootehnie, 55, 30-33.
Cadavez, V. A. P. & F. C. Monteiro. (2011). Comparison of alternative models to predict lean meat percentage of lamb carcasses. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 59, 2402-2406.
Monteiro, F. C. & V. A. P. Cadavez (2011). Optic disc detection by earth mover's distance template matching. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 59, 1254-1258.
Fernandes, S.D., Malovrh, Š, M. Kovač, M., & Cadavez, V. (2010). Study of genetic diversity of bisaro pigs breed by pedigree analysis. Lucrări Ştiinţifice: Seria Zootehnie, 53, 178–182.
Cadavez, V. (2009). Prediction of lean meat proportion of lamb carcasses. Archiva Zootechnica, 12(4), 46-58.
Cadavez, V., Rodrigues, S., & Teixeira, A. (2007). The use of ultrasonography to predict carcass composition in kids. Agriculture, 13(1), 213–217.
Teixeira, A., Matos, S., Rodrigues, S., Delfa, R., & Cadavez, V. (2006). In vivo estimation of lamb carcass composition by real-time ultrasonography. Meat Science, 74(2), 289–295.
Cortez, P., Portelinha, M., Rodrigues, S., Cadavez, V., & Teixeira, A. (2006). Lamb meat quality assessment by support vector machines. Neural Processing Letters, 24(1), 41–51.
Rodrigues, S., Cadavez, V., & Teixeira, A. (2006). Breed and maturity effects on churra galega bragançana and suffolk lamb carcass characteristics: killing-out proportion and composition. Meat Science, 72(2), 288–293.
Teixeira, A., Batista, S., Delfa, R., & Cadavez, V. (2005). Lamb meat quality of two breeds with protected origin designation. influence of breed, sex and live weight. Meat Science, 71(3), 530–536.
Teixeira, A., Cadavez, V., Delfa, R., & Bueno, M. S. (2004). Carcass conformation and joints composition of Churra Galega Bragançana and crossbred lambs by Suffolk and Merino Precoce sire breeds. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2(2), 217-225.
Cadavez, V., Rodrigues, S., Delfa, R., Pereira, E., Matos, S., & Teixeira, A. (2002). Estimación de la composición de la canal: ultrasonidos y modelo comunitario de clasificación de canales ligeras. Albéitar, 58, 1-34.
Cadavez, V., Rodrigues, S., Pereira, E., Delfa, R., & Teixeira, A. (2002). Predicción de la composición de la canal de cabritos por ultrasonografía en vivo. ITEA, 98A(1), 39-50.
Delfa, R., Texeira, A., Cadavez, V., González, C., & Sierra, I. (2000). Utilización de medidas de ultrasonidos en cabras vivas adultas. Pequeños Rumiantes, 1(1), 28-35.
Araújo, J.P., Colaco, J., Lopes, J.C., & Cadavez, V. (1999). Utilizacão de reprodutores masculinos de raça bovina barrosã e determinação da sua consanguinidade. Revista de Ciências Agrárias, 22(2), 83-96.