Accommodation can be pre-booked by the Workshop organisation.
For this, participants must confirm their interest and number of nights on the registration form.
However, payment should be done by the attendees directly at the accomodation site:
Pousada de Juventude:
Double room w/ private bathroom: €25.60 per person per night
Family room 4 single beds w/ private bathroom: €10.80 per person per night
Address: Av. 22 Maio, 5300-263 Bragança.
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Bear in mind that accommodation is not included in the course fees.
Participant may as well opt for other accommodation options such as:
Hotel São Lázaro (approx. €50 per night)
Hotel Ibis Bragança (approx. €40 per night)
Hotel Tulipa (approx. €35 per night)
Hotel Classis (approx. €35 per night)
Hotel Santa Apolónia (approx. €35 per night)
Pousada São Bartolomeu (approx. €100 per night)