The conference will be held in Bragança, Portugal. This is a small city of 23500 inhabitants, officially established in 1187. It is located in Northeastern Portugal in a natural and historically rich environment.
By highway, Bragança is 215 km east of Porto and 520 km north of Lisbon. It is also close to Spanish cities such as Salamanca (165 km), Valladolid (200 km), and Madrid (350 km). Domestic transportation includes flights from/to Lisbon twice a day and several bus lines from Lisbon, Porto and other major cities.
Bragança offers more than 1200 beds in hotels and other lodging. Food, mostly regional and national, is famous by its taste, simplicity and the quality of its ingredients, and can be found in the many restaurants in and out of town. Bragança also offers many opportunities for recreation in nature, arts, history, and sports.
Bragança on Wikipedia
The region is rich in landscape and aquatic ecosystems of interest for the meeting providing unique opportunities for field trips, namely the Tua and Sabor rivers, where can be found different autochthonous mussel populations (e.g. Margaritifera margaritifera in the upper zones, and Anodonta anatina, Potomida littoralis and Unio delphinus in the middle and lower zones). Candidates for other field trips in the region include the Douro River Valley (Port wine country and UNESCO World Heritage Site), the "Parque Natural de Montesinho", and the "Parque Natural do Douro Internacional".
The District of Bragança on Wikipedia