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Provisional Programme
8h30 | Invited Speaker: David Aldridge (GBR) Managing mussel populations for the benefit of freshwater ecosystems |
Invited Speaker: Jurgen Geist (DEU) Towards effective conservation management strategies of endangered freshwater mussels: The step-wise approach |
Social Programme
Field Trips |
9h00 | ||||
9h15 | The invasive Anodonta (Sinanodonta) woodiana as an important resource subsidy Bódis E, Tóth B & Sousa R (HUN) |
Temperature-dependent seasonal and annual larval production of Rhipidocotyle trematodes parasitizing freshwater mussel, Anodonta anatina Choo J & Taskinen J (FIN) |
9h30 | Data on development and collapse of invasive Sinandonta woodiana (Bivalvia, Unionoida) populations in Hungary Benkö-Kiss Á (HUN) |
Conservation genomics of unionids: Insights gained from next generation sequencing of Alasmidonta heterodon, A. varicosa, and Elliptio complanata King T, Shallom J, Eackles M, Johnson R, Lubinski B, Printz J, Lellis W, Wicklow B & Hallerman E (USA) |
9h45 | Corbicula fluminea invasion in Lake Maggiore (Italy): population dynamics and comparison of dietary overlap with native mussels Riccardi N, Lauceri R, Guerrieri N, Kamburska L, Guarneri I, Cardeccia A, Ferin P, Boggero A & Manca M (ITA) |
Phylogeography of French Unionids: Continental insularity and conservation in an age of global connections Prié V, Puilandre N & Bouchet P (FRA) |
10h00 | Secretariat opening | Physical habitat of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the lower Ebro River (Northeastern Spain) Sanz-Ronda F, López-Sáenz S & Palau-Ibars A (ESP) |
The genetic variation in different age and sex groups of freshwater pearl mussels (Hyriopsis cumingii) from two lakes in China revealed by microsatellites Bai Z, Ming L & Li J (CHN) |
10h15 | The Asian invasive bivalve Corbicula fluminea in Minho and Lima estuaries: a molecular approach Gomes C, Vasconcelos V, Guilhermino L & Antunes A (PRT) |
Evolution of Asymmetrical Larvae in Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia:Unionidae) Pfeiffer J & Graf D (USA) |
10h30 |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
11h00 | European guidance on the environmental requirements of freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) Boon P (SCT) |
Shell calcification on Freshwater Bivalves: An Overview Machado J & Lopes-Lima M (PRT) |
11h15 | The thick shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) brings LIFE+ back to rivers Bergengren J,Gezelius L, Eriksson M, Lirås V, Olsson I, Asp T, Zinko U,Herngren H, Proschwitz von T, Lundberg S & Österling M (SWE) |
The Austrian Freshwater Pearl Mussel Conservation Project Gumpinger C, Scheder C & Csar D (AUT) |
11h30 | Ecology and conservation of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera, Margaritiferidae) in the North-West of Russia Bespalaja Y, Bolotov I, Makhrov A & Aspholm P (RUS) |
Biogeochemical diagnostics and estimation of ecological condition of freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritiferidae) Klishko O & Bespalaya Y (RUS) |
11h45 | How to design a database to be used effectively as a tool for conservation of freshwater mussels? The stones’ way in the Central part of Brazil Callil C & Mansur M (BRA) |
Reproduction biology of Indian freshwater pearl mussel Lamellidens marginalis (Lamark) from Neriya river in the Western Ghats, India Mudigere R & Solai S (IND) |
12h00 | Conservation of Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Armorican Massif (Brittany and Lower-Normandy, France) Capoulade M, Dury P, Pasco P-Y & Ribeiro M (FRA) |
Anthropogenic changes of brown trout Salmo trutta and the impact on its parasitic mussel Margaritifera margaritifera Österling M & Söderberg H (SWE) |
12h15 | The relationship between endangered thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) and its host fishes Taeubert J & Geist J (DEU) |
Rediscovery of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) populations within the territory of the Baltic Sea basin in Russia Popov I & Ostrovsky A (RUS) |
12h30 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
13h45 |
Opening Session |
14h00 | Invited Speaker: Chris Barnhart (USA) Host-specificity of Unionoid mussels: an arms race, or just keeping pace? |
Invited Speaker: Rafael Araujo (ESP) Knowing and conserving the European (and North African) naiads. Reflexions from the South of Europe |
Invited Speaker: Arthur Bogan (USA) Phylogeny of the Unionida: A current assessment |
14h45 | A critical role of population level differences in host compatibility of freshwater mussels: Unio crassus host matching in fragmented river Douda K, Kubíková L & Horký P (CZE) |
Biogeography and conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in Texas: drivers of diversity and threats Burlakova L, Karatayev A (USA) |
Conservation Status of Freshwater Bivalves in South America: State of the Art, Perspectives and Future Challenges Dreher-Mansur M, Pereira D, Pimpão D, Callil C, Ituarte C, Parada E, Peredo S, Darrigran G, Scarabino F, Clavijo C, Lara G, Miyahira I (BRA) |
15h00 | Freshwater Mussels of a Western American River Basin - a Prehistoric Perspective Tait C (USA) |
The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in Bavaria – population status, conservation efforts and challenges Denic M & Geist J (DEU) |
Juvenile Margaritifera margaritifera (Bivalvia, Unionoida) – the survival of the cleanest. Sedimentation studies on a selection of rivers Moorkens E & Killeen I (IRL) |
15h15 | The actual map of Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula): A critical area for conservation of freshwater pearl mussel in the south of Europe Lois S, Ondina P, Outeiro A, Amaro R & San Miguel E (ESP) |
The first millimetre – Rearing of juvenile Freshwater Pearl Mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera) in plastic boxes Thielen F, Eybe T, Muller T, Bohn T & Sures B (LUX) |
Influence of Difference Environment on Growth of Freshwater mussel, Hyriopsis (Hyriopsis) bialatus Kovitvadhi S & Kovitvadhi U (THA) |
15h30 | Freshwater mussels in western North America: contrasting phylogeographies in a common landscape Mock K, Brim Box J, Chong J, Howard J & Furnish J (USA) |
Conservation of freshwater bivalves in Uruguay: opportunities and challenges Clavijo C, Scarabino F, Carranza A, Martínez G & Soutullo A (URY) |
Reproductive cycle and in vitro culture of freshwater mussel glochidia (Bivalvia: Unionidae) Kovitvadhi U & Kovitvadhi S (THA) |
15h45 | Use of distance sampling to estimate population size and density of the Texas hornshell (Popenaias popeii, Lea 1857) in the Black River, NM, USA Inoue K, Levine T, Lang B & Berg D (USA) |
Identification of the factors responsible for the decline of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in the North Tyne, North-East England, in order to develop a restoration plan for the species Gosselin M-P, Lavictoire L & Sweeting R (GBR) |
Growth and survival of Margaritifera margaritifera glochidia on host fish gills and of juvenile mussels in climate chambers Scheder C, Lerchegger B, Jung M, Csar D & Gumpinger C (AUT) |
16h00 |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
16h30 | Invited Speaker: Mary Seddon (GBR) Update on the status of the Global Freshwater Mollusc Assessment Seddon M, Darwall W, Bohn M, Allen D &Smith K |
Liming saves the Freshwater Pearl Mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) from acidification Henrikson L & Söderberg H (SWE) |
Type material of Diplodon ellipticus (Spix in Wagner, 1827) (Unionoida, Hyriidae) rediscovered Miyahira I, Mansur M & Santos S (BRA) |
16h45 | Monitoring survival and growth of laboratory-cultured endangered mussels, Epioblasma capsaeformis and E. brevidens, released into the Powell River, Tennessee, USA Hua D, Neves R & Jiao Y (USA) |
New aspects and implications for the conservation of the thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) Stoeckl K & Geist J (DEU) |
17h00 | Monitoring freshwater pearl mussels, practicalities and interpretation Killeen I & Moorkens E (IRL) |
Captive rearing of the freshwater pear mussel Margaritifera margaritifera in the UK – Lessons learned Sweeting R & Lavictoire L (GBR) |
17h15 | Comparing two measurement methods for inter- and intraspecific variations of year-class cohorts of young Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in three rivers in the Pasvik watershed catchment in Northern Norway Aspholm P (NOR) |
Host specificity in freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera populations in Norway – experimental studies Larsen B, Saksgård R & Forseth T (NOR) |
Within-river spatio-temporal relationship between the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifira margaritifera and its fish host Salmo trutta Taskinen J, Ranta M, Välilä S, Salonen J & Oulasvirta P (FIN) |
17h30 | Molecular species identification of European and Thai freshwater mussels (Unionoida) Zieritz A, Geist J, Kuehn R, Gum B, Vannarattanarat S, Kanchanaketu T, Kovitvadhi U, Hongtrakul V & Kovitvadhi S (AUT) |
Fish Tales and Mussels: Role Reversal in a Fish-Mussel Symbiosis Dimock R & Aldridge D (USA) |
Behavioural and physiological impacts of freshwater mussel glochidia on juvenile brown trout intermediate hosts Thomas G & Garcia de Leaniz C (WLS) |
17h45 | Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of a Freshwater Mussel Unispecific Bed. Effects on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages Lara G, Parada E & Peredo S (CHL) |
Standard Methods for Evaluating Dam impacts on Freshwater Mussels Reis J, Martinez A & Menéndez D (PRT) |
Modern conditions of freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (L., 1758) populations in loose floating rivers of the basin of the White Sea south coast (North-west of Russia) Vikhrev I, Bolotov I & Makhrov A (RUS) |
18h00 | Long-term changes in unionid assemblages in the Rio Grande, one of the World’s top 10 Rivers at Risk Karatayev A, Miller T & Burlakova, L (USA) |
Novel approach for stimulation of the freshwater mussel Lamellidens corrianus (Lea, 1834) to release glochidia larvae Yusufzai S, Singha H, Shirdhankara M & Lende S (IND) |
Allometry and population ecology of the Indian freshwater pearl mussel (Bivalvia: Unionida) Lamellidens marginalis (Lamark) from the river Neriya in the Western Ghats, India Mudigere R (IND) |
18h15 | Development of captive breeding protocols for the critically endangered freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera: Impacts of substrate Lavictoire L, Moorkens L, Ramsey A, Sinclair B & Sweeting R (GBR) |
Distribution, biology, and life cycle of Unionidae species In Tunisia Khalloufi N & Boumaïza M (TUN) |
18h30 | Invited Speaker: Dave Strayer (USA) An exploration of selected aspects of the relationships between nutrients and freshwater mussels (Unionoida) |
Poster Session |
20h00 | Welcome "Ice Breaker" cocktail | Conference Dinner |
Poster presentations
Molecular detoxification - a powerful resource to environmental adaptation and survival in Bivalves Almeida D, Vasconcelos V, Antunes A (PRT) |
LIFE11 NAT/LU/857 Restoration of Unio crassus rivers in the luxemburgish Ardennes: a summary description of a new project 2012-2018 Arendt A, Thielen F (LUX) |
Origin and Routes of Expansion of Freshwater Pearl Mussels (Margaritifera) Artamonova V, Bolotov I, Klishko O, Bespalaja Y, Voroshilova I, Makhrov A & Frolov A (RUS) |
Corrosion rates in shells from dead Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) from the Pasvik watershed catchment in Northern Norway Aspholm P (NOR) |
The thick shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) brings LIFE+ back to rivers Bergengren J, Gezelius L, Eriksson M, Lirås V, Olsson I, Asp T, Zinko U, Herngren H, Proschwitz von T, Lundberg S & Österling M (SWE) |
Dreissena impacts on Unionidae: general trends in North America and Europe and recent findings from Lake Erie Burlakova L, Karatayev A, Zanatta D, Tulumello B, Lucy F & Mastitsky S (USA) |
Ecological correlates of the Anodontites trapesialis (Lamarck, 1819) (Mycetopodidae: Unionoida): The greater freshwater mussel of South America Callil C, Surubim M, Colle A & Silva F (BRA) |
Conservation of Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Armorican Massif (Brittany and Lower-Normandy, France) Capoulade M, Dury P, Pasco P-Y & Ribeiro M (FRA) |
Critical reduction of Cyanocyclas geographic distribution in Uruguay: the shadow of Corbicula Clavijo C (URY) |
The importance of close cooperation of engineering, water legislation and nature conservation for the protection of endangered mussel species Csar D, Scheder C & Gumpinger C (AUT) |
Expression of HSP70 by Utterbackia imbecillis (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in Response to Copper White M, Johnson E & Dimock R (USA) |
The biotic homogenisation of host communities as a threat to local affiliate species: a case study with Anodonta anatina (Unionidae) Douda K, Lopes-Lima M, Hinzmann M, Machado J, Varandas S, Teixeira A & Sousa R (CZE) |
The relative importance of temperature and food to juvenile growth of Margaritifera margaritifera in its natural habitat Douda K, Simon O, Dort B & Švanyga J (CZE) |
Influence of time of excystment on the breeding success of juvenile Freshwater Pearl Mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera) Eybe T, Thielen F, Muller T, Bohn T & Sures B (LUX) |
Metabolism adjustment and resistance in the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) to osmotic stress in the River Miño estuary Ferreira N & Pardo I (ESP) |
CONBI: Biodiversity and Conservation of Bivalves –Ecogeographic, Genetic and Physiological information Froufe E, Teixeira A, Lopes A, Cardoso J, Reis J, Machado J, Hinzmann M, Fonseca M, Araujo R, Sousa R, Sobral C, Varandas S, Cortes R & Lopes-Lima M |
Development of microsatellite markers and Multiplexed PCR for Potomida littoralis Froufe E, Sobral C, Teixeira A, Lopes A, Sousa R, Varandas S & Lopes-Lima M |
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for Unio delphinus and cross-species amplification in other Unio species Froufe E, Lopes A, Sobral C, Teixeira A, Sousa R, Varandas S, Araujo R, Machado J & Lopes-Lima M |
Evolution of parental care in Sphaeriinae (Bivalvia) Fuentealba C, Núñez D & Hernández C (CHL) |
Impact of in vitro and in vivo exposure to cytostatics, 5-FU, etoposide and cisplatin on haemocytes of freshwater mussels Unio pictorum and Unio tumidus using alkaline comet assay Gačić Z, Kolarević S, Sunjog K, Kračun M, Paunović M, Knežević-Vukčević J & Vuković-Gačić B (SRB) |
Resilience of adaptive responses in freshwater bivalves (Unionidae) from different populations Gnatyshyna L, Falfushynska H & Stoliar O (UKR) |
Comparison of advanced culture methods for grow-out of freshwater mussels (BIVALVIA:UNIONIDAE) in a controlled environment Hua D, Neves R & Jiao Y (USA) |
Biogeochemical diagnostics and estimation of ecological condition of freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritiferidae) Klishko O & Bespalaya Y (RUS) |
Monitoring of DNA damage in haemocytes of freshwater mussel Sinanodonta woodiana sampled from the Velika Morava River in Serbia with the comet assay Kolarević S, Knežević-Vukčević J, Paunović M, Kračun M, Vasiljević B, Tomović J, Vuković-Gačić B & Gačić Z (SRB) |
Freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera: Host specificity and genetic variation in Norway Larsen B & Karlsson S (NOR) |
Recovery of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera population in an acidified Norwegian river Larsen B & Saksgård R (NOR) |
Captive rearing of the freshwater pear mussel Margaritifera margaritifera in the UK Lavictoire L & Sweeting R (GBR) |
The thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788) in Sweden: Distribution, ecology, status, threats and conservation Lundberg S, von Proschwitz T & Bergengren J (SWE) |
Brooding strategies of Mytilopsis from the Amazon River (Dreissenidae) Dreher-Mansur M, Bergonci P & Figueiredo G (BRA) |
Practical implementation of freshwater pearl mussel measures in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Moorkens E, McGee M, Killeen I, McNally T, Glasgow G & Downes S (IRL) |
Use of landmarks analysis to distinguish Unio delphinus and Unio tumidiformis Morais P (PRT) |
The freshwater pearlmussel Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) and the thick shelled river mussel Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788 in Latvia: the conditions of populations and the survival possibilities Rudzīte M & Rudzītis M (LVA) |
Captive breeding of the endangered pearl mussel Margaritifera auricularia. Large scale laboratory production of juveniles Nakamura K, Périz E, Yanguas M, Roca C & Yuste C (ESP) |
Size-specific growth pattern of fresh water mussel Margaritifera auricularia in the Ebro river channels (Spain) Nakamura K, Yanguas M, Périz E, Roca C & Yuste C (ESP) |
The situation of Margaritifera margaritifera in the Czech Republic – several successfully rejuvenated populations but the absence of natural reproduction Simon O, Douda K, Peltanová A, Patzenhauerová H, Spisar O & Hruška J (CZE) |
Detritus from springs as a possible food source for freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera): composition, quantity and origin Simon O, Tichá K, Kubíková L, Douda K & Benáková A (CZE) |
The impact of land use on Margaritifera margaritifera and its host fish Salmo trutta Österling M & Högberg J (SWE) |
“Restoration of freshwater pearl mussel populations with new methods” – an EU Interreg project in the northern Fennoscandia Oulasvirta P, Aspholm P, Kangas M, Larsen B, Luhta P-L, Olofsson P & Taskinen J (FIN) |
Life Margal Ulla, recovery of Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) in the Ulla basin (Galicia, NW of Iberian Peninsula) Ondina P, Lois S, Outeiro A, Mascato R, Bouza C, San Miguel E & Amaro R (ESP) |
Action plan for Margaritifera margaritifera in the Czech Republic (Central Europe) – concepts, targets and realization Peltanová A, Hruška J, Simon O, Dort B, Spisar O, Bílý M, Kladivová V, Patzenhauerová H & Douda K (CZE) |
Toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis sv. israelensis on golden mussel, Limnoperna fortunei and on ecotoxicological indicators, Pimephales pomelas (Pisces), Ceriodaphnia dubia (Crustacea), and Pseudokirchneriella subcaptata (Algae) Pereira D, Padula-Paz I, Sofia-Souza A, Tanaka-Suzuki M, Azevedo J, Dreher-Mansur M & Raya-Rodriguez M (BRA) |
Phylogenetic reanalysis confirms Lamprotula (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) Polyphyly Pfeiffer J & Graf D (USA) |
Electro fishing as a new method to find freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) populations Salonen J, Taskinen J & Kangas M (FIN) |
Comparative larval morphology of native and invasive freshwater bivalves species Pinheiro-Santos C, Dreher-Mansur M, Mansur-Pimpão D, Aydos-Bergonci P & Figueiredo G (BRA) |
Phylogeography of Unio crassus in Central Europe Sell J, Mioduchowska M, Kaczmarczyk A, Kilikowska A & Wysocka A (POL) |
The nervous system of the peppery furrow shell Scrobicularia plana (da Costa, 1778): unveiling morphological features by computer-assisted 3D reconstruction Tantiwisawaruji S, Kovitvadhi U, Pardal M, Maria M & Rocha E (THA) |
Growth of Anodonta anatina (Unionidae) in lakes differing by their productivity and physical & chemical properties of water Taskinen J, Saarinen-Valta M & Suonpää A (FIN) |
Culturing Unio crassus (L.), first trials from Luxembourg Thielen F, Eybe T & Muller T (LUX) |
Phylogeography and population genetics of the endangered freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) studied using mitochondrial DNA Välilä S, Knott E & Taskinen J (FIN) |
The translocation of the thick-shelled river mussels (Unio crassus) from the area of a bridge improvement project in Finland Valovirta I (FIN) |
Distribution and composition of freshwater fish communities in northeastern rivers (Douro basin, Portugal): Implications for mussel conservation strategies Varandas S, Teixeira A, Lopes-Lima M, Cortes R & Sousa R (PRT) |
Distribution and composition of brown trout in river Paiva (Douro basin, Portugal) and its linkage with freshwater pearl mussel Varandas S, Teixeira A, Lopes-Lima M, Cortes R & Sousa R (PRT) |
Comparative study of genotoxic response of freshwater mussels Unio tumidus and Unio pictorum to environmental stress Vuković-Gačić B, Kolarević S, Sunjog K, Tomović J, Knežević-Vukčević J, Paunović M & Gačić Z (SRB) |
Good population in bad habitat: on the ecology of the largest population of Unio crassus in Poland Zając K, Zając T, Adamski P, Bielański W, Ćmiel A, Lipińska A & Klich M |