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Bolsa de Emprego

Classificado Nº 14122

Data de registo: 2022-03-10
Tipo: Oferta
Título: Estágios no âmbito da EFSA
Localidade: UE
Descrição: The European Food Safety Authority is looking for young graduates from all over the world, interested in contributing to the creation of a more sustainable and safe food system in the EU. At the same time they will practice and develop their skills and competencies in different fields of EFSA’s mission.

During a period of up to one year, trainees will contribute to EFSA’s day-to-day activities, through a rewarding and challenging experience in a multicultural environment.

EFSA Traineeship Scheme in a nutshell:
 Paid traineeship for up to 12 months
 Annual intake of over 100 trainees
 Traineeships offered in all EFSA units (Science, Business Services and Communications)
 Open to candidates from all EU Member States as well as candidates from third countries
 Eligibility of candidates who have already completed a traineeship with another EU Institution/Body
 Monthly Grant of 1,250 €
 Intake dates: From September to December 2022
 Deadline for application: 25th April 2022.
Feel free to recommend EFSA Traineeships Call to your network by sharing EFSA’s LinkedIn post or through Facebook or Twitter using the communication attached, or simply by forwarding this email.

More details are available at EFSA website under the EFSA Traineeships call: EFSA/NS/TR/2022.
For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us @Traineeships.


Autor: EFSA
E-Mail:  Martina.KURISOVA@efsa.europa.eu
