Dia 13 de Maio, pelas 14h00 na Sala Cave:
workshop sobre “Market and Marketing of Organic Products”
por Irena Baraskina da Latvia University of Agriculture (Letónia).
Dia 13 de Maio, pelas 14h00 no auditório Pequeno da ESA:
workshop sobre “Use of stimulation models in management of fungal diseases of fruit trees” e “ATEI Thessaloniki: The biggest Technological Educational Institute of Greece”
por Prof. Thomas Thomidis da ATEI Thessaloniki (Grécia) .
Dia 15 de Maio, pelas 14h00 no Auditório da Cave:
workshop sobre “Developmnet of Services in agricultural branch. Agricultural extension and communication”
por Gunta Grinberga da Latvia University of Agriculture (Letónia).
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