7º Congresso Florestal Nacional

The 7th National Forest Congress, under the theme "Forests-Knowledge and Innovation" will be held from 5 to June 8 2013 in Vila Real (5-6) and Bragança (7-8). Transportation from Vila Real – Bragança – Vila Real will be guaranteed by the organization for those who require it in the reception of the participants at the congress.

Portuguese Society of Forest Sciences (SPCF), the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) and the Escola Superior Agrária (ESA-IPB) are the entities responsible for the organization of this edition.

The importance of forests and the forestry sector has become a costume in the context of Portugal's territory and economy, focused with a quadrennial regularity:

1st - Lisboa, 1986 - Forest, Long-term Challenge
2nd- Porto, 1990- Forest and Change
3rd-Figueira da Foz, 1994 - Forestry Resources in Rural Development
4th-Évora, 2001 - The Forest in the Society of the Future
5th -Viseu, 2005- Forests and People
6th - Ponta Delgada, 2009 -The Forest in a Globalized World


7º Congresso Florestal Nacional
Florestas - Conhecimento e Inovação